
This plane is no longer with us. I got this from someone for $50 complete with engines and servos. It was a mess. I re-did the engine mount and nose gear. I removed the rock that was under the fuel tank and moved the battery forward. Why the original builder did not do that is beyond me. I replaced the leaky tank and it was good to go. The old Supertiger purred like a kitten after a little cleaning. This is the airplane to have if you like doing touch and goes. It's an absolute blast to do them on this. My impatience trying to get it off the ground in a fun fly doomed this plane beyond worth fixing. I have a .40 size of this kit to build some day.

  • Category:Glow Airplanes
  • Model:Trainer 60
  • Wingspan:60-inches
  • Scheme:Black/Red/Orange/Yellow
  • Type: Fun-Fly
  • Brand:Bridi
  • Engine Brands:Supertiger .60
  • Construction:Built-up