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Wild and exciting action in Combat makes it a favorite event for spectators. Two highly maneuverable aircraft, each towing a streamer, attempt to cut each other’s streamers or string leaders. Scoring is by cuts and airtime within the five-minute match period. Scoring a cut on the streamer is worth 100 points. Each aircraft also scores one point for each second it is airborne during the match. In some events, cutting the string leader constitutes a “kill,” ending the match. 1/2A Combat uses tiny .049 engines and 35-foot lines. There are no restrictions on aircraft design, and kills end the match. Slow Combat uses large aircraft and .36 engines, restricted to suction fuel feed. Don’t let the name fool you; matches can be exciting, with speeds of up to 100 mph. There is no kill. AMA Combat, also known as “Fast Combat,” is the top-gun Combat event, and the flying is among the most exciting and demanding in all of model aviation. Engines of up to .36 size turn more than 20,000 rpm and haul the highly maneuverable aircraft at up to 125 mph. Kills end the match. FAI Combat is the international class. Competitors are allowed two .15-size powered aircraft per match. There is no kill.
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